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I'm...Samm. That's all you need to know.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bubba's birfday today! He's 6...I forgot until I got home from school. Felt kinda bad, but he dropped it as soon as he got his DSI :) I took some pictures, I'll post them later. School was bad today, but I gotssss hockey tomorrow so that will make up for my shitty day! YUM. That *points up there* Also makes up for my shitty day.....

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Me and Mollllayyy!

And it keeps getting better!

So, with everything that's been happening in the past few days...It seems like everything's getting better. I'm not crying as often, I haven't fought with...anyone...I say this now because I don't know how long it's going to last. I think I know what I'm going to do with all the shit that's been happening lately, I'm not going to forget it...But maybe just hold onto it until I'm ready to talk about it. There's no reason for me to be miserable anymore, I can be happy , I just have to remind myself that sometimes :)

With Florida on it's way I really need to get over all of this. I don't really want my best friend to have a shitty time because I was a wreck and crying the whole time. It's going to be quite interesting because I haven't seen some of her relatives in almost 3 years, but Iit'll be fun! I also just got told, that if I get all A's on next quarter...I get a new computer. The next 10 weeks are going to be fucking insane. I'm already studying and getting ahead on everything! We shall see if I actually do end up getting the computer.... =)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I hate not knowing what's coming at you next. It's okay one minute, and then there's four people sitting across from you, talking shit.WHILE I'M SITTING RIGHT THERE! I want to kill myself. I did an okay job at hiding my feelings today.
When Steven's around everything goes away. Joey Hendron is way out of the question. There's not competition what so ever. He could never replace Steven, I dont know what I was thinking. Well honestly, when do I ever...? Whatever!
Things are good in school, besides the bitches and bastards. My grades are doing good...Ya know..all that bullshit...School counseling is horrible. They want me to get so into detail...I don't like sharing stuff with people I dont know. I dont even know if they tell my parents anything I say.... Grace is moving to PA apparently. I doubt it'll happen. But it's a thought... :) A good thought for me...She has some kid down there that she met at camp. I'm sure she'll be happy about that...I'll miss her for a day, then it will be like I never even met her. PURPLE. The fugliest color, but my color of the day. Today was a fugly day. Punching the pillow. Until next time.

Random junk because retarded blogspot won't let me put up a slideshow... :(


Mommy, Daddy, Brody, ME!

My baby boy! Jakey Poo.

Musical...I'm way in the back. Thank god you can't see me :)

New Moon Midnight showing with Emily! It's sideways...:P

She's a fucking weirdo...I called her horse for the next week and a half.

AIN'T SHE CUTE?!?!?! Ruby dubesss!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Guess Whaaaa bitchessssssss?! IT'S OFFICIAL! I'm going to Florida for Feb. breeeeeak!!!! Eep. Feb 11-21st! I'm going to be spending 10 long days on Palm Beach with the one and only Emily. Pinsonneault. That's us up thereeee! I'm freakin wigging out. I haven't been to FL since I was 7, but I've never been to Palm Beach either...Only Orlando...You Do City is going to be a blast! It's this town where you go and you get to be whatever you want the whole day...It sounds fucking crazy, but apparently it's suppose to be cool. I'm going to get a tan. That is my number one task while I'm there. Ooooh and shopping. I love shopping...Muaha. There goes a lot of money...WHOA! I'm babbling. And I'm hyper. When I get back I'll post pictures, and I'll also be sure to take my sketch pad with meeee! XD Okay, this is getting kinda long and pointless. Until...Tomorrow? Okie, bye!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Something!

Ok, Sooo. You're probably wondering why the faaaack my blog is named "Sam's Something"...Well probably not. But whatever. Anyways, my CB and I. (That's a whole other story...) couldn't think of what to name it...and it ended up being Mah Sumting. Alright....This is boring me and you. Write later....