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I'm...Samm. That's all you need to know.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

And it keeps getting better!

So, with everything that's been happening in the past few days...It seems like everything's getting better. I'm not crying as often, I haven't fought with...anyone...I say this now because I don't know how long it's going to last. I think I know what I'm going to do with all the shit that's been happening lately, I'm not going to forget it...But maybe just hold onto it until I'm ready to talk about it. There's no reason for me to be miserable anymore, I can be happy , I just have to remind myself that sometimes :)

With Florida on it's way I really need to get over all of this. I don't really want my best friend to have a shitty time because I was a wreck and crying the whole time. It's going to be quite interesting because I haven't seen some of her relatives in almost 3 years, but Iit'll be fun! I also just got told, that if I get all A's on next quarter...I get a new computer. The next 10 weeks are going to be fucking insane. I'm already studying and getting ahead on everything! We shall see if I actually do end up getting the computer.... =)

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