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I'm...Samm. That's all you need to know.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Guess Whaaaa bitchessssssss?! IT'S OFFICIAL! I'm going to Florida for Feb. breeeeeak!!!! Eep. Feb 11-21st! I'm going to be spending 10 long days on Palm Beach with the one and only Emily. Pinsonneault. That's us up thereeee! I'm freakin wigging out. I haven't been to FL since I was 7, but I've never been to Palm Beach either...Only Orlando...You Do City is going to be a blast! It's this town where you go and you get to be whatever you want the whole day...It sounds fucking crazy, but apparently it's suppose to be cool. I'm going to get a tan. That is my number one task while I'm there. Ooooh and shopping. I love shopping...Muaha. There goes a lot of money...WHOA! I'm babbling. And I'm hyper. When I get back I'll post pictures, and I'll also be sure to take my sketch pad with meeee! XD Okay, this is getting kinda long and pointless. Until...Tomorrow? Okie, bye!

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