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I'm...Samm. That's all you need to know.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I hate not knowing what's coming at you next. It's okay one minute, and then there's four people sitting across from you, talking shit.WHILE I'M SITTING RIGHT THERE! I want to kill myself. I did an okay job at hiding my feelings today.
When Steven's around everything goes away. Joey Hendron is way out of the question. There's not competition what so ever. He could never replace Steven, I dont know what I was thinking. Well honestly, when do I ever...? Whatever!
Things are good in school, besides the bitches and bastards. My grades are doing good...Ya know..all that bullshit...School counseling is horrible. They want me to get so into detail...I don't like sharing stuff with people I dont know. I dont even know if they tell my parents anything I say.... Grace is moving to PA apparently. I doubt it'll happen. But it's a thought... :) A good thought for me...She has some kid down there that she met at camp. I'm sure she'll be happy about that...I'll miss her for a day, then it will be like I never even met her. PURPLE. The fugliest color, but my color of the day. Today was a fugly day. Punching the pillow. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU SAMMI! Fuck the bitches and bastards. You don't need them. they're worthless! You know I'm always here when ya need me!

